The Spirit of Christmas in Oriental
Every year, on the second weekend of December, the town of Oriental hosts The Spirit of Christmas. There’s a parade, musical presentations, a live Nativity and more. All the local businesses open their doors to offer delectable goodies and treats. River Neuse Suites once again held their Annual Open House, with delicious Seafood Chowder, Chicken Soup, Gourmet Biscotti and Spiced Cider.
On Saturday villagers walk the miles of luminaries to light Oriental’s streets in a soft glow of candlelight. There’s a hush over the village as visitors and citizens alike pause to enjoy the reflection of
hundreds of candles on the water.
For the full story by and all the photos click below: reports on Spirit of Christmas reports on Spirit of Christmas
Photos Courtesy of

Luminaries Line the Streets of Oriental at Dusk on Saturday

This Year’s “Twelve Days of Christmas” Parde Entry
Was Eleven Piping Pipers

Flora Moorman Joins the Parade With Oriental’s New Dragon Boat
Which will Enter Oriental’s Dragon Boat Festival Next Summer
Learn More:

In Oriental, Santa Arrives Annually Coustesy of the Coast Guard to Wish Everyone
A Very Merry Christmas!